farewell,,Assalamu Wr Wb, I say, suddenly there is the same word comes from the entrance too,, Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb. Mom, dad and me was surprised to see a new figure came from behind the door outside and we looked at each other!!!!
The figure stands with his face red extinguished, as if he were watching us who are shaking hands bode farewell to home. Maybe he was surprised by my arrival was not invited much less expected, though his face showed an attitude surprised like not believe, but it is not a sign that he is still in love or missing me.

When was the brother arrived, she asked me !! About an hour ago, I answered.

(Allahu Akbar. Why I had to look again his face. The face that always bothers me four years ago. Hopefully, this does not bode meeting tonight we will knit love again ---- ------ my little heart said).


After beating dreams, with time running normal life. Romance that once lived who had given up halfway through the long flourished again. I knit back and Laila relationship of severe pure love, but not as smooth as we imagine. Tests and obstacles constantly beaten. Our love story has become one of the priorities of our life.

Our love time travel was quite unique which met again in 2008. when my first visit to her home, I visit on the recommendation of my big brother. Hearts are difficult to make, the pain happened to me four years ago is not easy to forget. At first glance it came to mind, there are even whispers that reinforces that should come for silaturrahmi, not for her (Laila Fitri), but parents who I considered as my own parents. Take a few days to a position for a visit after thought and reflection, I finally decided to come although the heart is very heavy.

My Happy Life

Happy is the hope of all human life, happiness has always been the dream of man to accompany him to the end. However, happiness never come away without accompanied effort and a strong will to achieve it.As a normal human being no one wants to live suffering or misery, all desire to live a beautiful, quiet, peaceful and full of excitement. Pleasure or happiness is very different if we ask each individual perception, some have argued that happiness was assessed from the side of the property, throne and women. Different viewpoints also say that pleasure is sobriety and mind.

Pleasure in my opinion is our effort to achieve something worthwhile to meet the spiritual and physical lust with no abandon the teachings of our religion. Initial excitement I ever had was studying in the country of India, studying at one of the university there has never been a dream or a target in my life, but God willing the other and it comes without planning luck. 


Today I started activity back on campus after vacuum to quarantine attitude to avoid people who have made me hate it, this is better than I do the silly if met her. My office is located in one of the village is very quiet and peaceful, the scenery and the weather was very supportive comfort works well. However, in any work environment certainly has obstacles or barriers and challenges that must go through.

In 2010 October is the beginning of my working career, in this new work environment I get a lot of experience and a very professional and able to work well together. After getting an employment contract one of the places I hired senior over and hugged me, he said: congratulations to join in the work world-paced and challenging conflict.

Bosan hidup? Definisi, Gejala dan Solusi mengatasinya

Setiap individu pasti melalui masa-masa bosan atau jenuh dalam hidup, bosan bisa mengarahkan kita kepada perilaku yang positif bahkan negatif. Jenuh tidak bisa dihindari oleh siapapun, beragam kejenuhan sangat akrab bertamu kepada setiap insan yang berakal,jenuh atau bosan dapat terjadi dalam lingkungan keluarga, dimana terkadang suami lelah dan bosan dengan situasi dan kondisi rumah yang sama bahkan ada juga yang bosan dengan istri yang dinikahi, alhasil lahirlah poligami, disisi lain sang istri merasa bosan dengan pekerjaan rumah yang hanya berorientasi pada PR yang sama.

Kejenuhan juga merambah para pekerja yang sangat lelah bahkan menimbulkan tingkat kenyamanan dalam beraktifitas disebabkan oleh kolega yang miliki sifat dan karakter yang beragam. Disamping itu pula bosan juga tidak jauh dari diri kita sendiri, dimana sewaktu-waktu mengajak kita untuk beristirahat dari semua aktifitas yang sudah lama kita jalankan tanpa hambatan. Kebosanan atau kejenuhan terjadi disebabkan oleh seringnya hal tersebut kita lakukan atau aktifitas yang setiap harinya kita kerjakan tanpa adanya niat untuk merenovasi rutinitas tersebut agar lebih bersemangat. Bosan hidup sangat sering kita lontarkan secara sengaja maupun tidak, untuk memahami apa itu bosan atau jenuh, baiknya kita harus lebih mengenal definisi bosan itu sendiri.

Warna - Warni Kehidupan Setelah Menikah

Berkat kudrah dan iradah Allah, aku menjadi orang yang tidak membebani orang lain karna kerja yang ku miliki setidaknya bisa membantu ke...